CHOC Children's Hospital

Case study
Embee Technologies installed a BridgeWave point to point radio link for the Children’s Hospital of Orange County (CHOC). The proposed radio link would provide the ability to deliver a 1Gbps LAN link from 505 S Main Street, Orange CA, to 1030 W La Veta Ave, Orange, CA. Two radio links were installed, with BridgeWave radio heads, at the two locations. The radios were installed using masts and calibrated for optimal data transfer speeds. This system will be used as a backup emergency link to provide high speed data transfer in the event that the fiber link is compromised.
The customer was interested in installing point to point radios as a disaster recovery system. This system will be used in the event that existing fiber cables are compromised.
For its speed and reliability, BridgeWave was the obvious choice for this installation. The system worked flawlessly and the customer was delighted.